( ThE LoW BuDgEt ScRaPeR)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hi Blog-o-topia

I'm new to this Bloggin thing, if you have any suggestions to help make my blog better. They are soooo welcome.

My name is Whitney (obviously from the title) I love crafting especially paper crafting.

I don't have the most money so I love to come up with creative ideas to accomplish some of the same effects I see in other crafting videos, without spending extra money. I just use my creative ingenuity and the materials I already own. that's why I call my self the low budget scrapper.

You'll probably never see me do a haul video from stuff I bought at a craft store. But you will see brilliantly simplistic ideas that make you go "why didn't I think about that."

uh yea, don't mind the snake in the background. we were at the Zoo,
and the snake was hanging out right on the glass

1 comment:

  1. yeah I did it I posted my first blog (partying by myself)
